12 Weeks

12 weeks

How far along? 12 weeks… Finally!

Weight gain? Not sure but feeling chubby!

Exercise? Trying to start walking 2 miles a day and do the Pregnancy Project every other day

Maternity clothes? I have bought some pants even though it seems early. I am glad I did because they are so much more comfortable than hiding that I have my pants unbuttoned!

Symptoms? I have been pretty symptom free other than frequent bathroom trips and some restless legs at night. I have felt dizzy and a little queasy this week. Im starting to feel less tired but I have gotten some headaches the past few nights.

Movement? Not yet… but I can’t wait!!

Missing anything? Alcohol… I would love a glass of wine.

Cravings? chai tea lattes and cereal

Gender Prediction? Girl

Best moment of the week? Making it to 12 weeks!

Looking forward to? starting to show more and feel movement, next dr. appointment, finding out gender,  fall weather